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General Data Protection Regulation
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Business Continuity Planning
Business Continuity Planning
Providing Business Continuity & Specialist Data Privacy Support for over 10 years

Gap Assessment
The Gap Assessment is a detailed set of questions based on the regulation, and will highlight gaps between your current data protection practices and the requirements under GDPR
The questionnaire attempts to collect information about the current Data Protection practices of each business unit across your company, in order to assess the regulatory and reputational risks of non-compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation ('GDPR')
The output will highlight gaps between your current data protection practices and the requirements under GDPR
2018 Data Protection Act Questionnaire
This questionnaire specifically looks at the GDPR and can be used to quickly find out how compliant your company is to the regulation.
Third Party Information Security GDPR Questionnaire
When you have reliance on at least one 3rd party for personal data processing, then this document can be shared with them, for them to complete and provide evidence of their compliance. As part of the GDPR, if you are controlling personal data, and sub-contract to a 3rd party for data processing, then you must be aware of their data protection capabilities.
Data Privacy Impact Assessment for Business Functions
This questionnaire is for internal projects or functions, in order to demonstrate GDPR compliance. The document is written in alignment to the GDPR articles and can be used, following the Gap Assessment, to cross-reference specific requirements and detail for remediation planning
Scenario Exercise Data Breach
Exercises should be run on a regular basis, and target specific key risks which have been identified as required for mitigation. This document will help you design, manage and report on data breach exercises
Information Asset Register
An analysis of where your personally identifiable data resides within your organisation
Data Protection Policy
This is an outline policy which can be adapted for any organisation
Subject Access Request Policy
This policy contains the detail which can be followed during a subject access request
Data Flow Mapping Approach
This shows how you should carry our data mapping
Data Mapping Tool
The data map will determine what personal data your organisation holds, where personal data resides within the organisations day-to-day business and where DPIAs may need to be performed
Identity Proofing and Verification of an Individual
In circumstances where Subject Access Requests or Data Subject Rights information is to be released, the identity of the data subject should be established, in accordance with recital 64 and article 12.6. This document explains how to identify an individual, assisting you with safeguarding the data and your reputation
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"BCP tools and plans used today in many organisations"
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Download GDPR Toolkit
"Tried & tested GDPR tools and plans"
includes free 30-minute call with GDPR subject matter expert

Mark Jones
Managing Director

BCMS Framework Proposal
The purpose of this document is to clearly define the objectives of implementing a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)
Project Plan Outline
This is a detailed plan, to help implement an ISO-22301 compliant BCMS
BCP Project Risk Register
An example template of identified risks, including the definition of high, medium and low risks
BCP Content Matrix
This is an overview of all BCPs created, and their current status
Business Impact Analysis – Part One, Risk Assessment
This is a questionnaire, which identifies single points of failure, IT risk, third party risk etc.
Business Impact Analysis – Part Two, Critical Services
This is a predefined multiple choice questionnaire, which identifies critical services
ISO-22301 Self Assessment
This is a questionnaire which provides outcomes of the company’s current ISO-22301 compliance status
ISO-22301 Scorecard
This ISO 22301 Score Card details the requirements (where relevant) that an organisation must comply with to achieve certification
Project Update
This is a template which can be used to provide updates on the status of the project
Crisis Management Plan
This is a templated document, which defines the mechanisms for how to manage an incident
Post Incident Review
This is a set of questions that should be asked, post incident, to determine any further actions / improvements that can be made
Business Continuity Plan
Following the outputs of the BIAs, this template can be fully detailed
Call Cascade Exercise Scope and Objectives
This document walks through the process of how to perform a call cascade successfully, and can be used during the exercise
BCM Policy
This is a templated BCM policy which can be written during the BCMS lifecycle, in order to provide governance of the BCMS